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Narayana Verlag

Exzellent    2.966.645 Kunden aus 194 Ländern
  • über 10.000 Produkte zu Homöopathie und Naturheilkunde
  • Seminare mit weltbekannten Homöopathen
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Insects - Escaping the Earth

Peter Fraser

Buch: 60 Seiten, kart.
Best.-Nr.: 04670
Gewicht: 105g
ISBN: 978-1874-5811-8-5 9781874581185

Insects - Escaping the Earth

Peter Fraser

€ 10,00
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten
Buch: 60 Seiten, kart.
Best.-Nr.: 04670
Gewicht: 105g
ISBN: 978-1874-5811-8-5 9781874581185

First in the series 'Transformation between the Realms', this book examines the insect group of remedies. Comparisons with other groups are made, birds for example, which are sometimes extremely subtle but nevertheless clear.
"It become obvious that there is a world of remedies out there, which we have been missing (800,000 known insect species) and we need many more provings if we are to properly utilise this source." T.Burchill (The Homeopath)
The publisher:

The insects are the largest and most important class of the animal kingdom. They are central to all aspects of life on Earth being major forces in both the creation and destruction of life. In spite of this importance they have not yet had a significant role in homœopathy. In the last decade a dozen new Insect provings have opened up the remedy pictures and given us an insight into the properties of the group as a whole. The issues of the Insects correspond to those of the modern world and modern disease yet they are still little understood and considerably underused.
This is the first study of the known Insect remedies and it outlines the features that are common to the whole group and the often subtle distinctions that differentiate between them.

Transformation between the Realms
The remedies that move between the Realms of Sea, Earth, Sky and Underworld have a particular dynamic relationship to that transformation. Understanding this dynamic helps to understand the group as a whole and to find the subtle difference between its members. Groups include the Insects, the Birds, the Spiders, the Snakes, the Lacs, the Drugs and the Trees.

"Peter's series of books has been a revelation. The discrimination between insects and birds is so succinct it is hard to believe it is so true. I can think of no homœopathic books available which give so much wisdom for such a small cost! They have inspired my practice, and benefited my patients."
- Geoff Johnson

"This book is remarkably informative, not only in the description of the different Insect remedies but more importantly in delineating how the traits of the insect are expressed in human pathology. The information is practical and brings alive the Insect remedies in a way that is exciting and inspiring."
- Janet Snowdon

€ 10,00
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten

First in the series 'Transformation between the Realms', this book examines the insect group of remedies. Comparisons with other groups are made, birds for example, which are sometimes extremely subtle but nevertheless clear.
"It become obvious that there is a world of remedies out there, which we have been missing (800,000 known insect species) and we need many more provings if we are to properly utilise this source." T.Burchill (The Homeopath)
The publisher:

The insects are the largest and most important class of the animal kingdom. They are central to all aspects of life on Earth being major forces in both the creation and destruction of life. In spite of this importance they have not yet had a significant role in homœopathy. In the last decade a dozen new Insect provings have opened up the remedy pictures and given us an insight into the properties of the group as a whole. The issues of the Insects correspond to those of the modern world and modern disease yet they are still little understood and considerably underused.
This is the first study of the known Insect remedies and it outlines the features that are common to the whole group and the often subtle distinctions that differentiate between them.

Transformation between the Realms
The remedies that move between the Realms of Sea, Earth, Sky and Underworld have a particular dynamic relationship to that transformation. Understanding this dynamic helps to understand the group as a whole and to find the subtle difference between its members. Groups include the Insects, the Birds, the Spiders, the Snakes, the Lacs, the Drugs and the Trees.

"Peter's series of books has been a revelation. The discrimination between insects and birds is so succinct it is hard to believe it is so true. I can think of no homœopathic books available which give so much wisdom for such a small cost! They have inspired my practice, and benefited my patients."
- Geoff Johnson

"This book is remarkably informative, not only in the description of the different Insect remedies but more importantly in delineating how the traits of the insect are expressed in human pathology. The information is practical and brings alive the Insect remedies in a way that is exciting and inspiring."
- Janet Snowdon

€ 10,00
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten

Wird oft zusammen gekauft
Insects - Escaping the Earth, Peter Fraser+Snakes, Drawing power from the Underworld, Peter Fraser =
Gesamtpreis € 19,90
inkl. MwSt.
Alle kaufen

sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
keine Versandkosten

Dieses Produkt: Insects - Escaping the Earth von Peter Fraser ‐ € 10,00
Snakes, Drawing power from the Underworld von Peter Fraser ‐ € 9,90

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Manuel Mateu Ratea
Verifizierter Kauf
vor 5 Jahren
Sehr nützliches und gut dokumentiertes Buch
Insekten - Auf der Flucht vor der Erde, ist ein weiteres sehr nützliches Buch von Peter Fraser. Gut dokumentiert, bringt den Leser zum Kern der Welt der Insekten durch eine Einführung, die hilft, die Insekten zwischen den anderen Tieren und anderen Reichen zu verstehen.
Er spricht über den Vordergrund und den Hintergrund der Fälle. Dies ist eine sehr interessante Art, sich den Fällen zu nähern, und ich hoffe, dass Peter in Zukunft mit mehr Details und Beispielen seine interessante Sichtweise erweitern wird.
Ein sehr gutes Buch, um das Bild der Insekten bei unseren Patienten zu verstehen und "einzufangen".
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Ursprüngliche Sprache: englisch, übersetzt von Narayana
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vor 2 Jahren
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Ursprüngliche Sprache: englisch, übersetzt von Narayana
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