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Narayana Verlag

Exzellent    2.500.482 Kunden aus 191 Ländern
  • über 10.000 Produkte zu Homöopathie und Naturheilkunde
  • Seminare mit weltbekannten Homöopathen
  • Gesunde und natürliche Lebensmittel
  • Homöopathie für Pflanzen

Twelve Jewels

Peter L. Tumminello

Buch: 492 Seiten, geb.
Best.-Nr.: 02849
Gewicht: 1500g
ISBN: 978-0-9757325-0-2 9780975732502
Dieses Buch auf Deutsch

Twelve Jewels

Peter L. Tumminello

Buch: 492 Seiten, geb.
Best.-Nr.: 02849
Gewicht: 1500g
ISBN: 978-0-9757325-0-2 9780975732502
Dieses Buch auf Deutsch

The publisher:
Precious and semi-precious stones have long been recognised as having a power over diseases and destinies. This book is a synthesis of experiences, information, case notes and illustrations of twelve precious and semi-precious gemstones and their use in homeopathy. It is the result of hundreds of experiments carried out by seventy-six individuals over a period of 10 years in Australia, which is home to almost all of these exceptional crystals and gems. It includes many references from the historical use of these stones as known through healers and sensitives from lands as far flung as Europe, India, Burma and Australia.

This work was conceived and largely written by an Australian homeopath from Sydney, who was inspired to gather quality gemstones, prepare them into medicines and prove them. While it was driven by his vision, it is a composite of the experiences, ideas and unterstandings from a core groupe of homeophatic provers. This group met over 10 years and worked to distill the essential healing themes of these medicines including physical, mental, emotional and spiritual indications. Part way to achieving this they were joined by a talented and inspired artist, who had already been working with gems as transformers of energy. The result is a rare composite of image, colour and healing truths.

"This book is a important extensions of the homeopathic Materia Medica; it brings a deepening of our knowledge of remedies and is a personal engagement that makes homeopathy alive. It's a beautiful book."

... Jan Scholten from the Foreword

Please note: before ordering homeopathic products from outside the EU, check the relevant laws in your country!

The publisher:
Precious and semi-precious stones have long been recognised as having a power over diseases and destinies. This book is a synthesis of experiences, information, case notes and illustrations of twelve precious and semi-precious gemstones and their use in homeopathy. It is the result of hundreds of experiments carried out by seventy-six individuals over a period of 10 years in Australia, which is home to almost all of these exceptional crystals and gems. It includes many references from the historical use of these stones as known through healers and sensitives from lands as far flung as Europe, India, Burma and Australia.

This work was conceived and largely written by an Australian homeopath from Sydney, who was inspired to gather quality gemstones, prepare them into medicines and prove them. While it was driven by his vision, it is a composite of the experiences, ideas and unterstandings from a core groupe of homeophatic provers. This group met over 10 years and worked to distill the essential healing themes of these medicines including physical, mental, emotional and spiritual indications. Part way to achieving this they were joined by a talented and inspired artist, who had already been working with gems as transformers of energy. The result is a rare composite of image, colour and healing truths.

"This book is a important extensions of the homeopathic Materia Medica; it brings a deepening of our knowledge of remedies and is a personal engagement that makes homeopathy alive. It's a beautiful book."

... Jan Scholten from the Foreword

Please note: before ordering homeopathic products from outside the EU, check the relevant laws in your country!

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