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Narayana Verlag

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The Mystery and Power of Phyton Regia

Brigitte Klotzsch

Buch: 29 Seiten, Heft
Best.-Nr.: 06419
Gewicht: 160g

The Mystery and Power of Phyton Regia

Brigitte Klotzsch

€ 9,95
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
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Buch: 29 Seiten, Heft
Best.-Nr.: 06419
Gewicht: 160g

Portia fimbriata is a tiny jumping spider, the first one to enter the materia medica. As a pirate spider she forces her way onto the web of a web spider, thereby producing a vibration, which indicates to the web spider that there is a wriggling prey waiting for it. The web spider comes along, clueless, is overpowered, digested and sucked out. This is termed aggressive mimicry.
Portia in her capacity as a hunter, makes herself appear as something that her victim desires, namely nice juicy prey.
She does not live by instinct alone, but learns by trial and error. The biologist and researcher of Portia spider, Professor Robert R. Jackson, is completely at a loss to explain how such a tiny creature without a brain can display such intelligence.

So,patients who need the Portia remedy share her tremendous sensitivity to noise with Theridion, but they also share her blood- thinning characteristics with venomous snakes. Portia is the mistress of disguise wth childlike and ever changing behaviour. She appears somehow immature.

This is a remedy we should consider for those with boundary issues, sensation of paralysis, MS; possibly anorexia. The proving brought to light also chemical sensitiveness, spider phobia, phantom pregnancy and panic attacks.

€ 9,95
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
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Portia fimbriata is a tiny jumping spider, the first one to enter the materia medica. As a pirate spider she forces her way onto the web of a web spider, thereby producing a vibration, which indicates to the web spider that there is a wriggling prey waiting for it. The web spider comes along, clueless, is overpowered, digested and sucked out. This is termed aggressive mimicry.
Portia in her capacity as a hunter, makes herself appear as something that her victim desires, namely nice juicy prey.
She does not live by instinct alone, but learns by trial and error. The biologist and researcher of Portia spider, Professor Robert R. Jackson, is completely at a loss to explain how such a tiny creature without a brain can display such intelligence.

So,patients who need the Portia remedy share her tremendous sensitivity to noise with Theridion, but they also share her blood- thinning characteristics with venomous snakes. Portia is the mistress of disguise wth childlike and ever changing behaviour. She appears somehow immature.

This is a remedy we should consider for those with boundary issues, sensation of paralysis, MS; possibly anorexia. The proving brought to light also chemical sensitiveness, spider phobia, phantom pregnancy and panic attacks.

In den Warenkorb
€ 9,95
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten

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