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The Digestive Organs - Pathway to the Centre von Rosina Sonnenschmidt, Rezension

The Digestive Organs - Pathway to the Centre / Rosina Sonnenschmidt

Rosina Sonnenschmidt

The Digestive Organs - Pathway to the Centre   

Volume 3: Organ - Conflict - Cure
With Homeopathy, Naturopathy and Exercises


von Deborah Collins

erschienen in Spectrum of Homeopathy 1/2011

The Digestive Organs - Pathway to the Centre

The Digestive Organs - Pathway to the Centre

In this book, rosina sonnenschmidt presents her ideas on the possible conflicts underlying chronic ailments of the digestive tract. she also proposes holistic pointers from various disciplines, helping one to engage one’s innate healing capacity.

Rosina Sonnenschmidt’s book on the digestive tract is the third one in her series “organ – conflict – cure”; a series of twelve books currently being translated from German into english. the title of the series encapsulates the theme: a holistic view on the various organ systems and how they tend to manifest specific ailments in certain conflict situations. as she states in her introduction, there is a connection between mental and emotional conflicts and their physical disease manifestations; the site of an illness is not a coincidence, it is that exact place where there is an optimal resonance between energy and matter, the point of manifestation of thought processes and vibrations. the aim of her series is to provide holistic therapists, homeopaths, and naturopaths alike, with the tools to address deep-seated conflicts in their patients in such a way that the organs no longer bear the burden of disharmony and fall into disease. by first displaying the overall patterns relating to the given system, in this case the digestive tract, she puts the anatomy and physiology into a broader context than their purely mechanical functions. When we look at the process of digestion as the transformation of dense, coarse matter into clear, pure energy for our use, we ask ourselves different questions than “how many calories am i eating?” We ask the essential questions, relevant at all levels of our being, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual: “What do i let in? What do i let go of?” becoming conscious of what is good for us, at all levels, rather than following an imposed diet, leads to greater autonomy and more vibrant health. the solar plexus plays a crucial role in the differentiation between what is good for us and what is not. traditional chinese medicine, in which sonnenschmidt is schooled, regards the solar plexus as the centre from which we perceive information from the outside world, our “gut sense” as it were, that which helps us to discern the genuine from the false. strengthening this area, for instance with the breathing exercise provided, helps one to achieve healthy boundaries, something she claims that many therapists, with our “helper’s syndrome” could derive benefit from. the digestive tract is looked at step by step, with each part reflecting the possible conflicts that tend to settle there, if they are not adequately resolved. sonnenschmidt states that not every conflict produces physical symptoms but that every chronic disease has its roots in an old conflict. a list of the various steps on the digestive process, from the teeth and gums, the tongue and salivary glands through to the stomach, intestines, rectum, and anus, show the possible conflict situations and the ailments that can manifest in each. a variety of homeopathic remedies are listed for each of the organs and ailments. she has been careful to not start her book with this list, in order to induce her readers to see the bigger picture before looking for an easy answer. it is impossible for any book to be complete; every book is in fact a work in progress. With this in mind it would be wise to not stick too literally to the given lists, as they are intended as guidelines rather than as absolutes. in some cases, obvious remedies seem to be missing, such as silica and calcium fluoratum for the treatment of dental enamel, the two remedies listed under the rubric “teeth, enamel deficient”.  naturopathic treatment of the digestive tract is laid out, with suggestions for healthy teeth, gums and gut, as well as affirmations to accompany the process of eating and the advice to give thanks for our food. tongue diagnosis is charted, along with remedies for conditions to be recognised via the tongue. homeopathic remedies for the digestive system are briefly listed, including some interesting, uncommonly prescribed ones, and bowel nosodes and their accompanying homeopathic remedies are charted.  a table of miasmatic remedies is given, reflecting sonnenschmidt’s miasmatic approach to homeopathy; a controversial topic for some of us. this aspect differs from a classical approach, where the aim is to find one perfect remedy for the patient. sonnenschmidt rails against the possible dogmatism of those who would shun other approach-es than a “purist” one, and chooses to use a series of remedies according to the miasmatic level being treated. ideally, this book could be used to broaden one’s scope of treatment, incorporating a truly holistic approach into one’s practice and helping the patient at many levels, while carrying out a search for the deepest possible remedy or remedies to address the underlying problems. the book is beautifully presented, with clear illustrations and colour photographs, its spiritual background reflected in the photos of buddha’s statues in different seasons. for those who simply look for lists of remedies for complaints this book will not suit, but for those who desire to understand their patients in a new light this book can open doors, whether or not one agrees with every method.

The Digestive Organs - Pathway to the Centre / Rosina Sonnenschmidt

Rosina Sonnenschmidt

The Digestive Organs - Pathway to the Centre   

Volume 3: Organ - Conflict - Cure
With Homeopathy, Naturopathy and Exercises

€ 6,80 € 29,00
The Digestive Organs - Pathway to the Centre: In den Warenkorb


Rezensionen zu diesem Buch
Rosina Sonnenschmidt
The Digestive Organs - Pathway to the Centre
von Deborah Collins , erschienen in Spectrum of Homeopathy 1/2011




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