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Narayana Verlag

Exzellent    2.500.482 Kunden aus 191 Ländern
  • über 10.000 Produkte zu Homöopathie und Naturheilkunde
  • Seminare mit weltbekannten Homöopathen
  • Gesunde und natürliche Lebensmittel
  • Homöopathie für Pflanzen

The Desert World

Todd Rowe

Buch: 492 Seiten, kart.
Best.-Nr.: 03515
Gewicht: 930g
ISBN: 978-0-9720224-1-5 9780972022415

The Desert World

Todd Rowe

A Homeopathic Exploration incl. CD
€ 49,00
€ 48,00
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Buch: 492 Seiten, kart.
Best.-Nr.: 03515
Gewicht: 930g
ISBN: 978-0-9720224-1-5 9780972022415

The publisher:

The Desert World: A Homeopathic Exploration has been published. Author Todd Rowe, MD, MD(H), DHt, CCH comments: “This book focuses on the desert biome, an exploration of the desert environment and its natural contents. We have found that powerful themes run through the desert biome and the remedies derived from it. This gives us a new set of remedies whose individual characteristics fit within the larger themes of the desert biome. Once one spots 'desert' in a case, it becomes a relatively simpler matter to understand which of the known remedies is represented in the case, or to recognize that we have not yet proven the required remedy.”

Desert themes include low and irregular rainfall; high evaporation rates of surface water; low level of moisture in the soil; swift winds; poor drainage systems; widely separated plant and animal life; rocky or sandy ground – poor fertility.

Desert remedy themes include: Poorly adapted; Live underground – circular structures; Nomadism; War-like; Boom-or-bust; Religion; Desert diseases. Desert diseases include: Respiratory tract, urogenital tract and skin problems; Mental illness; Valley fever; Rabies; Kidney stones; Sunstroke and sunburn; Dehydration and hyponatremia; Low amniotic fluid.

An extensive CD is included in the back cover of the book. This CD contains the thematic research underlying the book. In addition, it includes complete proving material, proving comparison studies, additional cases and the latest desert provings. CD materials is all in PDF format.

Nancy Herrick PA writes about the book:
"Dr. Todd Rowe leads us through an entire eocsystem with the lens of a reverent scientist in this revolutionary approach to the vast and mysterious realm of remedies of the desert. Using sensation, seven levels and Hahnemanian provings, he brings all of our oldest and most recently developed methods of studying Materia Medica together. This book is a giant leap forward for homeopathy."

€ 49,00
€ 48,00
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The publisher:

The Desert World: A Homeopathic Exploration has been published. Author Todd Rowe, MD, MD(H), DHt, CCH comments: “This book focuses on the desert biome, an exploration of the desert environment and its natural contents. We have found that powerful themes run through the desert biome and the remedies derived from it. This gives us a new set of remedies whose individual characteristics fit within the larger themes of the desert biome. Once one spots 'desert' in a case, it becomes a relatively simpler matter to understand which of the known remedies is represented in the case, or to recognize that we have not yet proven the required remedy.”

Desert themes include low and irregular rainfall; high evaporation rates of surface water; low level of moisture in the soil; swift winds; poor drainage systems; widely separated plant and animal life; rocky or sandy ground – poor fertility.

Desert remedy themes include: Poorly adapted; Live underground – circular structures; Nomadism; War-like; Boom-or-bust; Religion; Desert diseases. Desert diseases include: Respiratory tract, urogenital tract and skin problems; Mental illness; Valley fever; Rabies; Kidney stones; Sunstroke and sunburn; Dehydration and hyponatremia; Low amniotic fluid.

An extensive CD is included in the back cover of the book. This CD contains the thematic research underlying the book. In addition, it includes complete proving material, proving comparison studies, additional cases and the latest desert provings. CD materials is all in PDF format.

Nancy Herrick PA writes about the book:
"Dr. Todd Rowe leads us through an entire eocsystem with the lens of a reverent scientist in this revolutionary approach to the vast and mysterious realm of remedies of the desert. Using sensation, seven levels and Hahnemanian provings, he brings all of our oldest and most recently developed methods of studying Materia Medica together. This book is a giant leap forward for homeopathy."

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€ 49,00
€ 48,00
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