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Narayana Verlag

Exzellent    2.957.335 Kunden aus 194 Ländern
  • über 10.000 Produkte zu Homöopathie und Naturheilkunde
  • Seminare mit weltbekannten Homöopathen
  • Gesunde und natürliche Lebensmittel
  • Homöopathie für Pflanzen

Set - Spectrum of Homeopathy - Set 2013

Narayana Verlag

Set - Spectrum of Homeopathy - Set 2013, Narayana Verlag
erschienen: 2013
Best.-Nr.: 15874
Gewicht: 1050g
Set reduced from €45,- to only  €19,- 

Set - Spectrum of Homeopathy - Set 2013

Narayana Verlag

New Life, Life And Death and Allergies
€ 45,00
€ 19,00
57,8% günstiger
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten
erschienen: 2013
Best.-Nr.: 15874
Gewicht: 1050g
Set reduced from €45,- to only  €19,- 

Spectrum of Homeopathy is Narayana Publishers’ journal, whose aim is to combine thorough clinical experience, compact information of materia medica, and diversity of methods.

Key-issues of 2013: New Life, Life And Death and Allergies

Editorial team
We have two distinguished chief editors to ensure editorial quality and act as technical advisors: the journalist Christa Gebhardt and the homeopath Dr. Jürgen Hansel. With this journal, we are delighted to foster fruitful co-operation between experienced and creative homeopaths throughout Europe, Canada, the USA and India. We also offer a network for our customers, providing easy access to a valuable set of contacts, linking them together.

Issue 2013-1: New Life

Issue 2013-2: Life And Death

Issue 2013-3: Allergies

€ 45,00
€ 19,00
57,8% günstiger
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten

Für Produktdetails bitte auf die Bilder klicken

Produktinformationen zu Spectrum of Homeopathy 2013-I, New Life

The natural process of adaptation following the birth of a new baby presents the mother and child with special challenges, with more potential for danger to body and soul than most other phases of life. Homeopathy offers a multitude of approaches to deal with this critical period, helping to cope with complications in pregnancy, birth, and the initial phase where the baby has to adapt to the outside world.

For many doctors and midwives, homeopathic remedies are a natural first choice to deal with problems during birth and lying in. Proven indications, especially in emergency cases, are a valuable tool. On the other hand, the profound effect of a well-chosen individual prescription can help correct underlying difficulties in adaptation and provide the baby with a solid grounding in life. The full palette of homeopathic treatment in the perinatal phase from acute prescription to constitutional treatment is presented in this issue of SPECTRUM.


Spectrum of Homeopathy 2013-I, New Life >mehr Informationen

Produktinformationen zu Spectrum of Homeopathy 2013-2, Life and Death

The Actinides are economically and politically of great significance – not only since Fukushima. The terra incognita of the seventh row is now being increasingly well charted for homeopathy. The way in which the characteristic tension between high energy potential and threatening decay can be used for homeopathy is shown by case histories and proving reports, helping to deepen our rudimentary knowledge of a relatively unknown group of modern remedies.

The book on the radioactive remedies of the Uranium series by the renowned pediatrician Patricia Le Roux presents the themes of this remedy group to a wide circle of homeopaths. The lives of these patients are often disrupted by severe events such as suicide or severe illness, or catastrophes such as earthquakes or nuclear accidents. At the same time these people have exceptional intuition. The children are precocious and well ahead of their years. Patricia Le Roux died in a tragic accident before the publication of her work, which represents a valuable legacy to homeopathy.

This issue of SPECTRUM is dedicated to her.

Spectrum of Homeopathy 2013-2, Life and Death >mehr Informationen

Produktinformationen zu Spectrum of Homeopathy 2013-3, Allergies

This issue of SPECTRUM looks at a very widespread problem in modern societies. In the industrial nations approximately 25% of the population now suffers from allergies, and the figure is still rising. Apparently harmless substances such as pollens, foodstuffs, or animal hair trigger an overreaction of the immune system in sensitive people, resulting in acute or chronic illness. The complaints range from mild local symptoms affecting the nose, eyes, or skin through life-threatening anaphylactic shock. Ever more children and adults are now developing cross-allergies that are particularly difficult to treat.

Here we present homeopathic alternatives to the constant use of antiallergic medication or the long-drawn-out process of desensitization. We focus particularly on the chronic manifestations of atopy: asthma and eczema. Homeopathy can play a prominent role in treating these illnesses, especially in childhood.

Spectrum of Homeopathy 2013-3, Allergies >mehr Informationen

Spectrum of Homeopathy is Narayana Publishers’ journal, whose aim is to combine thorough clinical experience, compact information of materia medica, and diversity of methods.

Key-issues of 2013: New Life, Life And Death and Allergies

Editorial team
We have two distinguished chief editors to ensure editorial quality and act as technical advisors: the journalist Christa Gebhardt and the homeopath Dr. Jürgen Hansel. With this journal, we are delighted to foster fruitful co-operation between experienced and creative homeopaths throughout Europe, Canada, the USA and India. We also offer a network for our customers, providing easy access to a valuable set of contacts, linking them together.

Issue 2013-1: New Life

Issue 2013-2: Life And Death

Issue 2013-3: Allergies

In den Warenkorb
€ 45,00
€ 19,00
57,8% günstiger
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten

Für Produktdetails bitte auf die Bilder klicken

Produktinformationen zu Spectrum of Homeopathy 2013-I, New Life

The natural process of adaptation following the birth of a new baby presents the mother and child with special challenges, with more potential for danger to body and soul than most other phases of life. Homeopathy offers a multitude of approaches to deal with this critical period, helping to cope with complications in pregnancy, birth, and the initial phase where the baby has to adapt to the outside world.

For many doctors and midwives, homeopathic remedies are a natural first choice to deal with problems during birth and lying in. Proven indications, especially in emergency cases, are a valuable tool. On the other hand, the profound effect of a well-chosen individual prescription can help correct underlying difficulties in adaptation and provide the baby with a solid grounding in life. The full palette of homeopathic treatment in the perinatal phase from acute prescription to constitutional treatment is presented in this issue of SPECTRUM.


Spectrum of Homeopathy 2013-I, New Life >mehr Informationen

Produktinformationen zu Spectrum of Homeopathy 2013-2, Life and Death

The Actinides are economically and politically of great significance – not only since Fukushima. The terra incognita of the seventh row is now being increasingly well charted for homeopathy. The way in which the characteristic tension between high energy potential and threatening decay can be used for homeopathy is shown by case histories and proving reports, helping to deepen our rudimentary knowledge of a relatively unknown group of modern remedies.

The book on the radioactive remedies of the Uranium series by the renowned pediatrician Patricia Le Roux presents the themes of this remedy group to a wide circle of homeopaths. The lives of these patients are often disrupted by severe events such as suicide or severe illness, or catastrophes such as earthquakes or nuclear accidents. At the same time these people have exceptional intuition. The children are precocious and well ahead of their years. Patricia Le Roux died in a tragic accident before the publication of her work, which represents a valuable legacy to homeopathy.

This issue of SPECTRUM is dedicated to her.

Spectrum of Homeopathy 2013-2, Life and Death >mehr Informationen

Produktinformationen zu Spectrum of Homeopathy 2013-3, Allergies

This issue of SPECTRUM looks at a very widespread problem in modern societies. In the industrial nations approximately 25% of the population now suffers from allergies, and the figure is still rising. Apparently harmless substances such as pollens, foodstuffs, or animal hair trigger an overreaction of the immune system in sensitive people, resulting in acute or chronic illness. The complaints range from mild local symptoms affecting the nose, eyes, or skin through life-threatening anaphylactic shock. Ever more children and adults are now developing cross-allergies that are particularly difficult to treat.

Here we present homeopathic alternatives to the constant use of antiallergic medication or the long-drawn-out process of desensitization. We focus particularly on the chronic manifestations of atopy: asthma and eczema. Homeopathy can play a prominent role in treating these illnesses, especially in childhood.

Spectrum of Homeopathy 2013-3, Allergies >mehr Informationen

Kundenbewertung zu Set - Spectrum of Homeopathy - Set 2013
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Reptilien "E Book"
Ich habe 2 Tage damit verbracht, dieses Ebook herunterzuladen und habe schließlich Adobe kontaktiert, um herauszufinden, dass sie mir nicht helfen können, da Adobe das Elements-Download-Programm nicht unterstützt.
Ich habe mich per E-Mail an die Kontaktperson des Narayana Verlags gewandt und um Hilfe oder eine Ersatzkopie gebeten. Das Ergebnis ist, dass ich meine Bestellung stornieren und erneut ein gedrucktes Exemplar bestellen muss. Wenn ich erfolgreich bin, werde ich eine weitere Rezension schreiben.
Ich war mit meinen bisherigen Büchern, die ich beim Narayana Verlag gekauft habe, sehr zufrieden.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen.
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Ursprüngliche Sprache: englisch, übersetzt von Narayana
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Dr Farokh Master
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Klassische Homöopathie fehlt
Fantasy-Vorträge, kein klassisches Material. weiterlesen ...
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Ursprüngliche Sprache: englisch, übersetzt von Narayana
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Dr Farokh Master
Verifizierter Kauf
vor 5 Jahren
Klassische Homöopathie fehlt
Fantasy-Vorträge, kein klassisches Material. weiterlesen ...
8 Personen finden das nicht hilfreich. Finden Sie das hilfreich?
Ursprüngliche Sprache: englisch, übersetzt von Narayana
Original anzeigen
Dr Farokh Master
Verifizierter Kauf
vor 5 Jahren
Klassische Homöopathie fehlt
Fantasy-Vorträge, kein klassisches Material. weiterlesen ...
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Ursprüngliche Sprache: englisch, übersetzt von Narayana
Original anzeigen
Dr Farokh Master
Verifizierter Kauf
vor 5 Jahren
Klassische Homöopathie fehlt
Ganz modernes Fantasy-Zeug. Keine klassischen Autoren, kein klassisches Zeug. weiterlesen ...
9 Personen finden das nicht hilfreich. Finden Sie das hilfreich?
Ursprüngliche Sprache: englisch, übersetzt von Narayana
Original anzeigen
Dr Farokh Master
Verifizierter Kauf
vor 5 Jahren
Klassische Homöopathie fehlt
Fantasy-Vorträge, kein klassisches Material. weiterlesen ...
10 Personen finden das nicht hilfreich. Finden Sie das hilfreich?
Ursprüngliche Sprache: englisch, übersetzt von Narayana
Original anzeigen
Dr Farokh Master
Verifizierter Kauf
vor 5 Jahren
Klassische Homöopathie fehlt
Fantasy-Vorträge, kein klassisches Material. weiterlesen ...
10 Personen finden das nicht hilfreich. Finden Sie das hilfreich?
Ursprüngliche Sprache: englisch, übersetzt von Narayana
Original anzeigen
Dr Farokh Master
Verifizierter Kauf
vor 5 Jahren
Klassische Homöopathie fehlt
Fantasy-Vorträge, kein klassisches Material. weiterlesen ...
10 Personen finden das nicht hilfreich. Finden Sie das hilfreich?
Ursprüngliche Sprache: englisch, übersetzt von Narayana
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