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Narayana Verlag

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2.500.482 Kunden aus 191 Ländern
  • über 10.000 Produkte zu Homöopathie und Naturheilkunde
  • Seminare mit weltbekannten Homöopathen
  • Gesunde und natürliche Lebensmittel
  • Homöopathie für Pflanzen


 aus 104372 Rückmeldungen

Narayana Verlag

Exzellent    2.500.482 Kunden aus 191 Ländern
  • über 10.000 Produkte zu Homöopathie und Naturheilkunde
  • Seminare mit weltbekannten Homöopathen
  • Gesunde und natürliche Lebensmittel
  • Homöopathie für Pflanzen
Buch: 356 Seiten, Tb
Best.-Nr.: 02209
Gewicht: 520g
ISBN: 978-09-6406-544-4 9780964065444
Not available
Homeopathic Medicine for Defiant, Aggressive and Violent Children
€ 17,80
€ 16,50
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Buch: 356 Seiten, Tb
Best.-Nr.: 02209
Gewicht: 520g
ISBN: 978-09-6406-544-4 9780964065444
Not available

As the previous books Ritalin free kids and Prozac free, Rage free kids is aimed at the general public. The scope of this book is more ambitious than its predecessors, as rage, unlike Ritalin or Prozac, is not as easily cirscumbscribed. The main value of the book, perhaps, is its educational content about homeopathy, which does much to familiarise people with its modalities of action and practice.

The publisher:

A Drug-Free Answer to Overcoming Rage
Although anger is a normal emotion, in certain children it can spiral out of control and become something much less manageable—rage. If your child exhibits bouts of uncontrollable anger, tantrums, aggression, or violence, you should know that there is a safe and effective treatment that is completely drug-free. In Rage-Free Kids, renowned homeopathic physicians Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman and Robert Ullman present a natural answer to extreme anger that has worked for over 1,500 challenging children. If you have a difficult child, this book is a must read.

Here is what parents say about the Ullmans' work:

"Jason's completely different from before. Zero fits or threats. His progress reports had only praise."

"I've seen a 97 percent improvement in Caroline. Like night and day. It's so incredible. I never dreamed this much change was possible."

"Christopher's teachers have seen a dramatic difference in his behavior. No more violent outbursts."

€ 17,80
€ 16,50
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As the previous books Ritalin free kids and Prozac free, Rage free kids is aimed at the general public. The scope of this book is more ambitious than its predecessors, as rage, unlike Ritalin or Prozac, is not as easily cirscumbscribed. The main value of the book, perhaps, is its educational content about homeopathy, which does much to familiarise people with its modalities of action and practice.

The publisher:

A Drug-Free Answer to Overcoming Rage
Although anger is a normal emotion, in certain children it can spiral out of control and become something much less manageable—rage. If your child exhibits bouts of uncontrollable anger, tantrums, aggression, or violence, you should know that there is a safe and effective treatment that is completely drug-free. In Rage-Free Kids, renowned homeopathic physicians Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman and Robert Ullman present a natural answer to extreme anger that has worked for over 1,500 challenging children. If you have a difficult child, this book is a must read.

Here is what parents say about the Ullmans' work:

"Jason's completely different from before. Zero fits or threats. His progress reports had only praise."

"I've seen a 97 percent improvement in Caroline. Like night and day. It's so incredible. I never dreamed this much change was possible."

"Christopher's teachers have seen a dramatic difference in his behavior. No more violent outbursts."

Dieses Buch ist zur Zeit nicht lieferbar.
Untenstehend finden Sie Bücher vom gleichen Autor bzw. zu ähnlichen Themen.
€ 17,80
€ 16,50
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