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Narayana Verlag

Exzellent    2.946.910 Kunden aus 194 Ländern
  • über 10.000 Produkte zu Homöopathie und Naturheilkunde
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  • Gesunde und natürliche Lebensmittel
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My Journey in Homeopathy

Francis Treuherz

My Journey in Homeopathy, Francis Treuherz
My Journey in Homeopathy, Francis TreuherzMy Journey in Homeopathy, Francis Treuherz
Buch: 505 Seiten, Tb
erschienen: 2022
Best.-Nr.: 30905
Gewicht: 645g
ISBN: 9788131923801 9788131923801
price reduced from €17,50 to €15,50 only
Rezensionen zu diesem Buch

My Journey in Homeopathy
von Dana Ullman

Review by Vatsala
von Vatsala Sperling

My Journey in Homeopathy: Much Ado about Nothing
von Richard Moskowitz

My Journey in Homeopathy

Francis Treuherz

Much Ado about Nothing
€ 17,50
€ 15,50
11,4% günstiger
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten
Buch: 505 Seiten, Tb
erschienen: 2022
Best.-Nr.: 30905
Gewicht: 645g
ISBN: 9788131923801 9788131923801
price reduced from €17,50 to €15,50 only
Rezensionen zu diesem Buch

My Journey in Homeopathy
von Dana Ullman

Review by Vatsala
von Vatsala Sperling

My Journey in Homeopathy: Much Ado about Nothing
von Richard Moskowitz

The publisher:

A Selection and Compilation of the thoughts, practices, prescriptions, philosophy, materia medica, debates, lectures, articles, book reviews and humour.

What you have in your hands is a book that reflects the experience of an internationally recognised contributor to the growth of homeopathy since the 1980s. The title My Journey in Homeopathy ~Much Ado About Nothing~ reflects Fran’s sense of humour – this book is his invitation to travel through the challenges of homeopathic living and being. It is an opportunity to benefit from the observations, contemplation and meaning-making of an accomplished homeopath who nurtured the flame of homeopathy in a world continuously challenged by the very notion of its existence.

The book seems like a novel where the author is talking to us, sharing his nuances and experiences and some brilliant works done worldwide-

  • One chapter ‘Getting Stoned was not Fun’ is a very interesting one where he shares his battle with kidney stones and how on taking the medicine Calculus renalis (medicine prepared from E.P Anshutz own kidney stone and how after continuing the medicine for 3 months he had not suffered from it till now. This medicine can also be used for stones of salivary gland.
  • A chapter on Elizabeth W. Hubbard (a student of Pierre Schmidt and a well known American Homeopath) presents the biographical elements of the physician, such as that for 3 years she edited the magazine ‘The Homeopathic Recorder’., she made house calls in her convertible Rolls Royce. She had the privilege of being taught by Boger, Roberts, Gladwin, ML Tyler, JH Clarke and many more.
  • A chapter on ‘The Rabies Miasm’ is written who himself keeps Lyssin 200 in his first aid kit. Here Francis has shared Hahnemannian’s approach along with Tafel’s. More elightment on rabies miasm is given by Dr SP Dey’s experience while treating cases. Some rubrics from Complete Repertory regarding the miasm are also mentioned in the chapter.

Keeping up with this, the book has many other intriguing and informative chapters.

Moreover this book captures the innovation and creativity that ensured that future, in the context of the challenges many of us faced and continue to face in practicing, teaching and promoting a wonderful loving medicine. The book is a collation of interviews, articles, histories, characters, cases, remedies, practice audits, discussions and book reviews published by the author in a valuable single document. It is a unique book in the annals of homeopathic publishing, a record of part of one homeopath’s output.

You’ll unearth insights on how this inspirational and resourceful homeopath made a difference with clinics in the National Health Service and 25 years of acute and primary care telephone prescribing on the Homeopathy Helpline.

€ 17,50
€ 15,50
11,4% günstiger
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten

The publisher:

A Selection and Compilation of the thoughts, practices, prescriptions, philosophy, materia medica, debates, lectures, articles, book reviews and humour.

What you have in your hands is a book that reflects the experience of an internationally recognised contributor to the growth of homeopathy since the 1980s. The title My Journey in Homeopathy ~Much Ado About Nothing~ reflects Fran’s sense of humour – this book is his invitation to travel through the challenges of homeopathic living and being. It is an opportunity to benefit from the observations, contemplation and meaning-making of an accomplished homeopath who nurtured the flame of homeopathy in a world continuously challenged by the very notion of its existence.

The book seems like a novel where the author is talking to us, sharing his nuances and experiences and some brilliant works done worldwide-

  • One chapter ‘Getting Stoned was not Fun’ is a very interesting one where he shares his battle with kidney stones and how on taking the medicine Calculus renalis (medicine prepared from E.P Anshutz own kidney stone and how after continuing the medicine for 3 months he had not suffered from it till now. This medicine can also be used for stones of salivary gland.
  • A chapter on Elizabeth W. Hubbard (a student of Pierre Schmidt and a well known American Homeopath) presents the biographical elements of the physician, such as that for 3 years she edited the magazine ‘The Homeopathic Recorder’., she made house calls in her convertible Rolls Royce. She had the privilege of being taught by Boger, Roberts, Gladwin, ML Tyler, JH Clarke and many more.
  • A chapter on ‘The Rabies Miasm’ is written who himself keeps Lyssin 200 in his first aid kit. Here Francis has shared Hahnemannian’s approach along with Tafel’s. More elightment on rabies miasm is given by Dr SP Dey’s experience while treating cases. Some rubrics from Complete Repertory regarding the miasm are also mentioned in the chapter.

Keeping up with this, the book has many other intriguing and informative chapters.

Moreover this book captures the innovation and creativity that ensured that future, in the context of the challenges many of us faced and continue to face in practicing, teaching and promoting a wonderful loving medicine. The book is a collation of interviews, articles, histories, characters, cases, remedies, practice audits, discussions and book reviews published by the author in a valuable single document. It is a unique book in the annals of homeopathic publishing, a record of part of one homeopath’s output.

You’ll unearth insights on how this inspirational and resourceful homeopath made a difference with clinics in the National Health Service and 25 years of acute and primary care telephone prescribing on the Homeopathy Helpline.

€ 17,50
€ 15,50
11,4% günstiger
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten

Wird oft zusammen gekauft
My Journey in Homeopathy, Francis Treuherz+ADHS, Autismus-Spektrum-Störungen und Teilleistungsschwächen, Heiner Frei =
Gesamtpreis € 64,50
inkl. MwSt.
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sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
keine Versandkosten

Dieses Produkt: My Journey in Homeopathy von Francis Treuherz ‐ € 15,50
ADHS, Autismus-Spektrum-Störungen und Teilleistungsschwächen von Heiner Frei ‐ € 49,00

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