Buch: 248 Seiten, geb.
erschienen: 2021
Best.-Nr.: 08239
Gewicht: 520g
ISBN: 978-3-941706-59-0 9783941706590
Dieses Buch auf Deutsch
60 of the Most Important Constitutional Types with Photographs
€ 39,00
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  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
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Buch: 248 Seiten, geb.
erschienen: 2021
Best.-Nr.: 08239
Gewicht: 520g
ISBN: 978-3-941706-59-0 9783941706590
Dieses Buch auf Deutsch

After the great success of his work Children's Types, we are pleased to announce Dr. Frans Kusse's book of adult types. He has an uncanny ability to portray homeopathic types in a lively and straightforward manner such that we can see them in our mind's eye – and so recognize them more easily in practice. He focuses on the psychological characteristics.

A total of 60 of the most important homeopathic types are described in this book. Together with well-known remedies such as Aurum, Pulsatilla or Staphisagria, there are also descriptions of rarer remedies such as Lithium or Lac delphinum, which are increasingly used nowadays.

To give the types a vivid pictorial quality, 28 remedy descriptions are supplemented with 60 reliable photographic portraits by Dr. Hellmuth Beuchelt. Together with the finely judged descriptions, the result is a unique insight into the most important remedies.

“Homeopathy is now over 200 years old. To begin with, diseases and symptoms were described. In recent decades, we have discovered other and more profound aspects of homeopathic remedies.
Vithoulkas described the essences of the remedies. Think of the open Phosphorus type who can easily get to know people, and is sympathetic to the feelings of others. The next step of this development was to ask ourselves the question “why?” Why is the Phosphorus type so sympathetic? It turns out that behind this behavior there is a fear of losing contact with others, so the person ends up all alone in the world.
Homeopathic literature has not kept pace with the developments of the last few decades. The old works just describe complaints and constitutions. Frans Kusse has filled this gap. In this book, we can find descriptions of homeopathic remedies that reflect the current state of knowledge.
Frans Kusse writes grippingly and with refreshing clarity. He has always been keen to spread his knowledge of homeopathy widely. And this is exactly what he has achieved here – after we have read this work, his portraits will remain engraved in our memory. I can recommend this book to anyone who is interested in the current developments in homeopathy.”
From the foreword by Jan Scholten

€ 39,00
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  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
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After the great success of his work Children's Types, we are pleased to announce Dr. Frans Kusse's book of adult types. He has an uncanny ability to portray homeopathic types in a lively and straightforward manner such that we can see them in our mind's eye – and so recognize them more easily in practice. He focuses on the psychological characteristics.

A total of 60 of the most important homeopathic types are described in this book. Together with well-known remedies such as Aurum, Pulsatilla or Staphisagria, there are also descriptions of rarer remedies such as Lithium or Lac delphinum, which are increasingly used nowadays.

To give the types a vivid pictorial quality, 28 remedy descriptions are supplemented with 60 reliable photographic portraits by Dr. Hellmuth Beuchelt. Together with the finely judged descriptions, the result is a unique insight into the most important remedies.

“Homeopathy is now over 200 years old. To begin with, diseases and symptoms were described. In recent decades, we have discovered other and more profound aspects of homeopathic remedies.
Vithoulkas described the essences of the remedies. Think of the open Phosphorus type who can easily get to know people, and is sympathetic to the feelings of others. The next step of this development was to ask ourselves the question “why?” Why is the Phosphorus type so sympathetic? It turns out that behind this behavior there is a fear of losing contact with others, so the person ends up all alone in the world.
Homeopathic literature has not kept pace with the developments of the last few decades. The old works just describe complaints and constitutions. Frans Kusse has filled this gap. In this book, we can find descriptions of homeopathic remedies that reflect the current state of knowledge.
Frans Kusse writes grippingly and with refreshing clarity. He has always been keen to spread his knowledge of homeopathy widely. And this is exactly what he has achieved here – after we have read this work, his portraits will remain engraved in our memory. I can recommend this book to anyone who is interested in the current developments in homeopathy.”
From the foreword by Jan Scholten

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€ 39,00
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  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
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Dr. Muhammad Aslam
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Großartige Arbeit von Dr. Kusse weiterlesen ...
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Ursprüngliche Sprache: englisch, übersetzt von Narayana
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Gabriela Vokálová
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Homöopathische Typen sind die besten
Perfekte Materia Medica der wichtigsten Heilmittel mit schönen Bildern weiterlesen ...
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Ursprüngliche Sprache: englisch, übersetzt von Narayana
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Christianne Goedhart
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Es ist ein wunderbares Buch weiterlesen ...
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Ursprüngliche Sprache: englisch, übersetzt von Narayana
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vor 1 Jahrzehnt
Eine weitere Materia Medica...
Gutes Buch, aber ich würde gerne mehr Fotos ... Eigentlich dachte ich, ich hätte in jedem Mittel mindestens eins. Allerdings ist eine gute Keynotes Buch. weiterlesen ...
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Ursprüngliche Sprache: englisch, übersetzt von Narayana
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