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Alles lief bisher perfekt und es war nicht wenig!![5 von 5 Sternen](
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Was soll man da noch dazu schreiben: Unimedica-Produkte von Naranaya wirken sofort, wenn sie gebraucht werden! Bei mir ist das jedenfalls so. Allerdings habe ich mit der Pharmaindustrie jahrzehntelang negative Erfahrungen sammeln müssen, dass mir gerade einige Produkte von Unimedica bei meiner Sanierung der Leber beste Dienste leisten. Zudem nehme ich noch auf sanfte Art und Weise ab, Klar, auf Süßigkeiten + Zuckerhaltiges verzichte ich - auch auf Eis + Schokolade. Aber da ich Süßigkeiten nicht mag, kostet mich das keine Überwindung. Schlimmer wird es, wenn ich Lust auf Schoko/Vanilleeis habe. Wir kaufen das immer bei Denns. Die Qualität der Produkte dort sind einzigartig gut. Die Preise angemessen hoch - viel zu hoch. Das Problem ist, dass die Löhne viel zu niedrig im Vergleich zu den Preisen sind! Es zeigt auch, dass der Euro-Kurs gefallen ist + unser Geld wieder an Wert verloren hat. Daher können wir nicht mehr sparen! Wir werden immer ärmer. ABER wir brauchen GESUNDES ESSEN, um Leben zu können! Inflation![5 von 5 Sternen](
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Sehr schön, dass eine Bestellung ohne login und Bezahlung auf Rechnung möglich ist!Narayana Verlag
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- über 10.000 Produkte zu Homöopathie und Naturheilkunde
- Seminare mit weltbekannten Homöopathen
- Gesunde und natürliche Lebensmittel
- Homöopathie für Pflanzen
![5 von 5 Sternen](
Jens aus Deutschland
Alles lief bisher perfekt und es war nicht wenig!Homeo-Kids von Patricia Le Roux, Rezension
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Homeo-Kids Sixty portraits of homeopathic remedies for children from birth to twelve years |
![]() von Amanda Bate erschienen in Homeopathy in practice Spring/Summer 2016 |
HOMEO-KIDSI was keen to review this book as I run a weekly children’s clinic and the biggest pro- portion of my client base has always been babies and children, since I became a homeo- path 21 years ago. This A5 hardback fits easily into coat pocket or handbag; and the cover has a lovely photo of two children, a boy and girl clearly brimming with health and vitality! I dived right in, reading the short portraits at random; some of the remedies were familiar, others were new to me. I soon realised I wasn’t sure if I liked the book, but I could not pinpoint why. I felt it was a bit repetitive but, acknow- ledging that I was trying to rush through, I decided to go back to the beginning and start with the Preface by Dr François Gassin. Dr Gassin says the book is for practitioners, paediatric health professionals and parents, and that the book is an ‘indispensable work which imparts in those who read it the desire to study’ other books by the author. I did come to agree with this last part, and thought I would find out where Dr Le Roux worked and see if I could sit in with her. Sadly she died in a tragic accident in 2011. However, I disagree that it is ‘an indispensable work’ and neither do I agree that it is a book for parents. I feel that parents would be trying to prescribe constitutionally for their babies and children. On the other hand, there will be other homeo- paths who feel that whichever remedy is needed there and then is ‘the constitutional’. So straight away we have a good discussion point for homeopaths from this little book. The next few pages are given over to a summary of the basic principles of homeo- pathy. Under the paragraph about the Law of Similars, I find something that challenges my learning and understanding: I agree with the last phrase, but we do not have to have a clinical or a therapeutic diag- nosis. We need to perceive what needs to be cured and see which remedy will quickly, gently, permanently heal the patient. This raises questions and curiosity within me: did Dr Le Roux not know about homeopaths with- out medical backgrounds? Did she only mix with French homeopaths who, I believe, have to be medical doctors first? I have to assume this is why she held these particular views. However, for me it makes the book appear even more unsuitable for parents who do not have the skills or knowledge to make clinical and therapeutic diagnoses. Things begin to look up with Dr Le Roux’s paragraphs on classification of types of patients, although I had a little chuckle when I read that she feels the brief descriptions of the miasms is a ‘little outdated, yet still has some value’. This book classifies remedies into four ‘king- doms’: Chilly, Hot, Slow and Restless. I like this, it immediately helps a homeopath if they take a case and feel ‘I don’t know where to begin’! Or am I the only one to have felt that? At the back of the book is a bit about the author and the considerable achievements in her career as a paediatric consultant and homeopath. She sat on various homeopathic committees, wrote a complete study on the Lac family, and another piece on the homeopathic Acids, now in English and German. The titles of her other books include: The Actinides in Homeopathy; Metals in Homeopathy; Butterflies. Finally, at the end of the book is a bibliography, index and repertory. My conclusion is – I like this little book very much after all. I realise my initial questioning about whether or not I liked the book was because it highlighted quite a few remedies that not only did I not know at all, but others within which I have never been able to see the ‘child picture’. However, settling down and reading the book cover to cover unearthed my own lack of knowledge which then allowed me to let the new learning in. I still don’t think it’s indispensable; I think to get the most from this book a homeopath also needs to look at other materia medicas, but it has added much to my knowledge of remedies for children. I wish I could have met Dr Le Roux. | |||
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Homeo-Kids Sixty portraits of homeopathic remedies for children from birth to twelve years |
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Rezensionen zu diesem Buch | |
HOMEO-KIDS von Firuzi Mehta , erschienen in "The Homeopath" November 2015 | |
HOMEO-KIDS von Amanda Bate , erschienen in Homeopathy in practice Spring/Summer 2016 |