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Narayana Verlag

Exzellent    2.966.645 Kunden aus 194 Ländern
  • über 10.000 Produkte zu Homöopathie und Naturheilkunde
  • Seminare mit weltbekannten Homöopathen
  • Gesunde und natürliche Lebensmittel
  • Homöopathie für Pflanzen

Hahnemann's Homeopathy

Ewald Stöteler

Hahnemann's Homeopathy, Ewald StötelerHahnemann's Homeopathy, Ewald Stöteler
Buch: 576 Seiten, geb.
erschienen: 2020
Best.-Nr.: 25878
Gewicht: 1105g
ISBN: 978-9-4926-6531-7 9789492665317

Hahnemann's Homeopathy

Ewald Stöteler

The Classification and Treatment of Diseases According to Dr. Samuel Hahnemann
€ 125,00
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten
Buch: 576 Seiten, geb.
erschienen: 2020
Best.-Nr.: 25878
Gewicht: 1105g
ISBN: 978-9-4926-6531-7 9789492665317

The publisher:

Ever since his first day as a homeopath, nearly 4 decades ago, Ewald Stöteler (1957) has worked in exactly the same way as Samuel Hahnemann (doctor and pharmacist) has developed and recorded his philosophy.
He studied Hahnemann’s publications thoroughly and translated different editions of the Organon and The Chronic Diseases in Dutch. It became clear that Hahnemann worked from brilliant ideas, experiences, potencies and accurate experiments and reported these processes thoroughly in the subsequent editions of the Organon and The Chronic Diseases.

As precisely as Hahnemann, Ewald Stöteler is able to discover the valuable and specific timeline in the development that Hahnemann went through, during the development of his classic homeopathy, finalized in the 6th edition of the Organon. Hahnemann referred to this last edition as ‘which has now, if possible, become perfect’.

Homeopathy worldwide, is based on the 4th edition of the Organon, introduced by Kent and also because of that, alienated from its roots. The 5th and especially the 6th edition have been completely ignored by the rest of the world. Ewald Stöteler fills the gap between the two extremes: the 4th and the 6th edition of Hahnemann’s Organon and his book The Chronic Diseases. That’s when it becomes clear that the principle of similarity is so much more than just choosing the right remedy. A unique book is born.

Hahnemann’s Homeopathy: a true gift, written by a man who places his love for homeopathy, his practice and his patients above everything else, and who knows that this is his purpose in life. A gift, because the synthesis of Hahnemann’s thoughts, developments and experiences become clear in Hahnemann’s Homeopathy. This book, fills a huge gap between the unique knowledge of Samuel Hahnemann and the understanding of it, in order to be able to implement homeopathy successfully in daily practice.

€ 125,00
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten

The publisher:

Ever since his first day as a homeopath, nearly 4 decades ago, Ewald Stöteler (1957) has worked in exactly the same way as Samuel Hahnemann (doctor and pharmacist) has developed and recorded his philosophy.
He studied Hahnemann’s publications thoroughly and translated different editions of the Organon and The Chronic Diseases in Dutch. It became clear that Hahnemann worked from brilliant ideas, experiences, potencies and accurate experiments and reported these processes thoroughly in the subsequent editions of the Organon and The Chronic Diseases.

As precisely as Hahnemann, Ewald Stöteler is able to discover the valuable and specific timeline in the development that Hahnemann went through, during the development of his classic homeopathy, finalized in the 6th edition of the Organon. Hahnemann referred to this last edition as ‘which has now, if possible, become perfect’.

Homeopathy worldwide, is based on the 4th edition of the Organon, introduced by Kent and also because of that, alienated from its roots. The 5th and especially the 6th edition have been completely ignored by the rest of the world. Ewald Stöteler fills the gap between the two extremes: the 4th and the 6th edition of Hahnemann’s Organon and his book The Chronic Diseases. That’s when it becomes clear that the principle of similarity is so much more than just choosing the right remedy. A unique book is born.

Hahnemann’s Homeopathy: a true gift, written by a man who places his love for homeopathy, his practice and his patients above everything else, and who knows that this is his purpose in life. A gift, because the synthesis of Hahnemann’s thoughts, developments and experiences become clear in Hahnemann’s Homeopathy. This book, fills a huge gap between the unique knowledge of Samuel Hahnemann and the understanding of it, in order to be able to implement homeopathy successfully in daily practice.

In den Warenkorb
€ 125,00
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten

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