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Narayana Verlag

Exzellent    2.946.910 Kunden aus 194 Ländern
  • über 10.000 Produkte zu Homöopathie und Naturheilkunde
  • Seminare mit weltbekannten Homöopathen
  • Gesunde und natürliche Lebensmittel
  • Homöopathie für Pflanzen

Encyclopaedia of Hahnemann's Organon of Medicine

Prabhat Kumar Bhattacheryay

Encyclopaedia of Hahnemann's Organon of Medicine, Prabhat Kumar Bhattacheryay
Buch: 656 Seiten, Tb
Best.-Nr.: 05225
Gewicht: 660g
ISBN: 978-81-8056-892-3 9788180568923
Print in India

Encyclopaedia of Hahnemann's Organon of Medicine

Prabhat Kumar Bhattacheryay

with a Comparative & Cristical Study of Fifth + Sixth Edition
Buch: 656 Seiten, Tb
Best.-Nr.: 05225
Gewicht: 660g
ISBN: 978-81-8056-892-3 9788180568923
Print in India

The publisher:

Highlights of the Book:

- This is the first book in the world in encyclopedic format on Organon.
- More than 1000 entries have been discussed alphabetically.
- More than 1500 cross references have been accessed.
- All the entries are detailed in very language, expression and even letterings of Organon with precise references to aphorisms, footnotes and paragraphs.
- Topics on Organon like Physician, Symptoms, Vital Force, Causes of Diseases, Allopathy, Antipathy, Isopathy, Proving of Drugs, Case Taking, One Sided Diseases, Mental Diseases, Dose and many more are discussed exhaustively.
- Topics on Philosophy available in Organon like Observations, Second Prescription, Evaluation of Symptoms, Limitations of Homeopathy, Susceptibility, Palliation and Suppression etc. are discussed elaborately.
- Topics on Miasms like Psora, Syphilis, Sycosis, etc. are discussed thoroughly.
- All the References given in the Organon to different Authorities (90 in number) are rendered alphabetically in a separate chapter where names of the reference books and quotations are discussed and wherever needed are translated.
- Names and use of homeopathic medicines detailed in Organon.
- All the Non-English Text (German, Latin, Greek etc.) in the Title, Preface, Introduction, Aphorisms and Footnotes of Organon have been tabulated in a separate chapter and got translated.
- All the important relevant words in Dudgeon's Appendix have been given the encyclopaedic format and the evolutionary development of numerous texts is now readily available.
- Hahnemann's 'Medicine of Experience' has been given the encyclopaedic format and the evoluationary development of numerous texts right from Medicine of Experience to Sixth edition of Organon is now readily available.
- Part II deals with a comparative & critical study of fifth & sixth editions of Organon.

The publisher:

Highlights of the Book:

- This is the first book in the world in encyclopedic format on Organon.
- More than 1000 entries have been discussed alphabetically.
- More than 1500 cross references have been accessed.
- All the entries are detailed in very language, expression and even letterings of Organon with precise references to aphorisms, footnotes and paragraphs.
- Topics on Organon like Physician, Symptoms, Vital Force, Causes of Diseases, Allopathy, Antipathy, Isopathy, Proving of Drugs, Case Taking, One Sided Diseases, Mental Diseases, Dose and many more are discussed exhaustively.
- Topics on Philosophy available in Organon like Observations, Second Prescription, Evaluation of Symptoms, Limitations of Homeopathy, Susceptibility, Palliation and Suppression etc. are discussed elaborately.
- Topics on Miasms like Psora, Syphilis, Sycosis, etc. are discussed thoroughly.
- All the References given in the Organon to different Authorities (90 in number) are rendered alphabetically in a separate chapter where names of the reference books and quotations are discussed and wherever needed are translated.
- Names and use of homeopathic medicines detailed in Organon.
- All the Non-English Text (German, Latin, Greek etc.) in the Title, Preface, Introduction, Aphorisms and Footnotes of Organon have been tabulated in a separate chapter and got translated.
- All the important relevant words in Dudgeon's Appendix have been given the encyclopaedic format and the evolutionary development of numerous texts is now readily available.
- Hahnemann's 'Medicine of Experience' has been given the encyclopaedic format and the evoluationary development of numerous texts right from Medicine of Experience to Sixth edition of Organon is now readily available.
- Part II deals with a comparative & critical study of fifth & sixth editions of Organon.

Dieses Buch ist zur Zeit nicht lieferbar.
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