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Narayana Verlag

Exzellent    2.959.458 Kunden aus 194 Ländern
  • über 10.000 Produkte zu Homöopathie und Naturheilkunde
  • Seminare mit weltbekannten Homöopathen
  • Gesunde und natürliche Lebensmittel
  • Homöopathie für Pflanzen

Case Taking

Alastair C. Gray

Buch: 488 Seiten, Tb
erschienen: 2018
Best.-Nr.: 09137
Gewicht: 620g
ISBN: 978-81-319-3299-5 9788131932995

Third Edition
Printed in India  -  Indian quality 

Case Taking

Alastair C. Gray

Best practice and creating meaning in the consulting room
€ 25,90
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten
Buch: 488 Seiten, Tb
erschienen: 2018
Best.-Nr.: 09137
Gewicht: 620g
ISBN: 978-81-319-3299-5 9788131932995

Third Edition
Printed in India  -  Indian quality 

This book provides us with practical advice about how to take a complete case in a wide range of clients. It is the first of a series of 6 volumes.

The publisher:

This book offers a thorough description of the history of homeopathy, and a glimpse into its future. The author faces contentious issues directly, and questions existing standards with rigour. It leaves the reader impatient to discover what gems the remaining six books in the series will contain.
—Dr Isaac Golden, Australia

Al Gray navigates the often turbulent waters of different homeopathic gurus in a refreshing way. No doubt those whose systems he describes will find a sympathetic yet critical examination of their approaches. This is a breath of fresh air, it is not the voice of the apologist or sycophant but rather a considered critical examination of some of the greatest influences upon modern homeopathic practice.
—Susanna Shelton, NZ

The art of taking the case is much neglected in homeopathy but certainly not by Alastair C. Gray. This encyclopaedic approach to the subject is a major contribution to homeopathic literature.
—Dr Brian Kaplan, UK

If I had this book during my days as a homeopathy student, I would not have taken such a muddled path to acquire my homeopathic case taking skills! This book on Homeopathic Case taking by Alastair Gray is going to be on the compulsory books listed for my BHMS students.
—Dr Suriyakantun Osman, Malaysia

Alastair C. Gray heads up the homeopathy department at Endeavour College of Natural Health in Australia. He presents regular seminars at Kuala Lumpur, Toronto, Boulder, San Francisco, Galway in Ireland, Preston and Nottingham in England and Bangkok. He continues to teach the residential Fusion sessions, a post-graduate program in natural medicine, offered in New Zealand, Australia and online. In addition, Alastair runs a general natural medicine practice in the inner west and east of Sydney, Australia. Clinical practice remains a significant feature of his work with a focus in the treatment of anxiety, depression, addiction and men’s health. He has published four books and numerous articles on provings including Kauri, Moreton bay fig, Tea tree, Waratah,
Tar tree, Liquorice, Cactus, Kowhai, Tuberculinum, Bacilinum, Mosquito, Cockroach, Toad, Seahorse, Pearl, Irukandjii, Medusa, Box jellyfish and White tailed spider.

- Examines, describes and identifies the basic features on the landscape of homeopathic case taking, what information is required during process of case taking, what is meant by a therapeutic alliance and understanding a patient-centred approach
- Ultimate necessity for all the homeopathic practitioners as it describes the daily relationships formed in the course of being in practice
- It identifies the qualities and skills required of a homeopath and encourages a regular self audit of them
- Gives an outline to learn the guidelines and perspectives of stalwarts like Hahnemann, Kent, Dunham, Schmidt, Vithoulkas, Sherr, Kaplan, Sankaran and others

€ 25,90
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten

This book provides us with practical advice about how to take a complete case in a wide range of clients. It is the first of a series of 6 volumes.

The publisher:

This book offers a thorough description of the history of homeopathy, and a glimpse into its future. The author faces contentious issues directly, and questions existing standards with rigour. It leaves the reader impatient to discover what gems the remaining six books in the series will contain.
—Dr Isaac Golden, Australia

Al Gray navigates the often turbulent waters of different homeopathic gurus in a refreshing way. No doubt those whose systems he describes will find a sympathetic yet critical examination of their approaches. This is a breath of fresh air, it is not the voice of the apologist or sycophant but rather a considered critical examination of some of the greatest influences upon modern homeopathic practice.
—Susanna Shelton, NZ

The art of taking the case is much neglected in homeopathy but certainly not by Alastair C. Gray. This encyclopaedic approach to the subject is a major contribution to homeopathic literature.
—Dr Brian Kaplan, UK

If I had this book during my days as a homeopathy student, I would not have taken such a muddled path to acquire my homeopathic case taking skills! This book on Homeopathic Case taking by Alastair Gray is going to be on the compulsory books listed for my BHMS students.
—Dr Suriyakantun Osman, Malaysia

Alastair C. Gray heads up the homeopathy department at Endeavour College of Natural Health in Australia. He presents regular seminars at Kuala Lumpur, Toronto, Boulder, San Francisco, Galway in Ireland, Preston and Nottingham in England and Bangkok. He continues to teach the residential Fusion sessions, a post-graduate program in natural medicine, offered in New Zealand, Australia and online. In addition, Alastair runs a general natural medicine practice in the inner west and east of Sydney, Australia. Clinical practice remains a significant feature of his work with a focus in the treatment of anxiety, depression, addiction and men’s health. He has published four books and numerous articles on provings including Kauri, Moreton bay fig, Tea tree, Waratah,
Tar tree, Liquorice, Cactus, Kowhai, Tuberculinum, Bacilinum, Mosquito, Cockroach, Toad, Seahorse, Pearl, Irukandjii, Medusa, Box jellyfish and White tailed spider.

- Examines, describes and identifies the basic features on the landscape of homeopathic case taking, what information is required during process of case taking, what is meant by a therapeutic alliance and understanding a patient-centred approach
- Ultimate necessity for all the homeopathic practitioners as it describes the daily relationships formed in the course of being in practice
- It identifies the qualities and skills required of a homeopath and encourages a regular self audit of them
- Gives an outline to learn the guidelines and perspectives of stalwarts like Hahnemann, Kent, Dunham, Schmidt, Vithoulkas, Sherr, Kaplan, Sankaran and others

In den Warenkorb
€ 25,90
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten

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