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Narayana Verlag

Exzellent    2.844.692 Kunden aus 194 Ländern
  • über 10.000 Produkte zu Homöopathie und Naturheilkunde
  • Seminare mit weltbekannten Homöopathen
  • Gesunde und natürliche Lebensmittel
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Burnett Rediscovered

Dion Tabrett

Buch: 152 Seiten, geb.
erschienen: 2023
Best.-Nr.: 19447
Gewicht: 600g
ISBN: 978-3-95582-130-2 9783955821302

Burnett Rediscovered

Dion Tabrett

Clinical Strategies of the Great Homeopath for Modern Practice, Line of Action of Remedies, Organ Remedies, Pathological Similimum, Vaccinosis
€ 39,80
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  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 2-3 Werktage
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Buch: 152 Seiten, geb.
erschienen: 2023
Best.-Nr.: 19447
Gewicht: 600g
ISBN: 978-3-95582-130-2 9783955821302

James Compton Burnett (1840-1901) was one of the greatest and most successful English homeopaths, renowned for his intrepid style. He was above all a practitioner, putting results above doctrine. This meant he was always ready to expand his knowledge and methods in unorthodox ways. His astonishing ability to heal even the most severe pathology demonstrates the validity of his ideas.

Dion Tabrett has been working in the tradition of Burnett for more than 20 years so he is the ideal author to pioneer the rediscovery of this venerable old master. In this book he presents Burnett’s therapeutic approach and showcases his versatility using current examples from his own practice. Tabrett thereby casts Burnett in a refreshing new light, elucidating the true depth of his thinking and highlighting its continuing relevance for our modern age. We see the old treasures vividly come to life once more in a contemporary homeopathic practice.

Burnett’s flexible therapeutic strategies for casetaking, analysis and treatment are presented systematically. Topics such as the clinical line of action of the remedies and organopathy are described, as is the prescription of alternating remedies. Burnett offered new definitions of the law of similars and showed the difference between a symptomatic and a pathological simillimum. He stressed the value of the nosodes, introduced new remedies such as Bacillinum and coined the term vaccinosis.

If you are looking for a fresh impetus to your homeopathic prescribing, this book may well be just what you need..

“Burnett was a therapeutic pioneer and master in solving complicated cases. He has been my reliable “Clinical Compass” for the last 24 years.”

€ 39,80
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James Compton Burnett (1840-1901) was one of the greatest and most successful English homeopaths, renowned for his intrepid style. He was above all a practitioner, putting results above doctrine. This meant he was always ready to expand his knowledge and methods in unorthodox ways. His astonishing ability to heal even the most severe pathology demonstrates the validity of his ideas.

Dion Tabrett has been working in the tradition of Burnett for more than 20 years so he is the ideal author to pioneer the rediscovery of this venerable old master. In this book he presents Burnett’s therapeutic approach and showcases his versatility using current examples from his own practice. Tabrett thereby casts Burnett in a refreshing new light, elucidating the true depth of his thinking and highlighting its continuing relevance for our modern age. We see the old treasures vividly come to life once more in a contemporary homeopathic practice.

Burnett’s flexible therapeutic strategies for casetaking, analysis and treatment are presented systematically. Topics such as the clinical line of action of the remedies and organopathy are described, as is the prescription of alternating remedies. Burnett offered new definitions of the law of similars and showed the difference between a symptomatic and a pathological simillimum. He stressed the value of the nosodes, introduced new remedies such as Bacillinum and coined the term vaccinosis.

If you are looking for a fresh impetus to your homeopathic prescribing, this book may well be just what you need..

“Burnett was a therapeutic pioneer and master in solving complicated cases. He has been my reliable “Clinical Compass” for the last 24 years.”

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€ 39,80
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  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 2-3 Werktage
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Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
4,8 von 5 Sternen


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Verifizierter Kauf
vor 5 Jahren
Clinical results oriented approach.
This book brings to light the clinical approach of a genius physician. A physician whose grand understanding of pathology, revolutionary clinical approach and application brought him fame and excellent results.

Current dominance of Allopathy over Homeopathy is not due to Allopathy being some superior modality. Allopathy has only one advantage. It has created an illusion of its palliative powers. Hence general public flock to it. In rush to get relief, general public willingly and happily pump their bodies with cisplatins, cyclophosphamides, prednisones, and what not.

General public can care less how they get relief. They want results.

To a patient it does not matter, whether his physician is classical or clinical homeopath.

Dr. Burnett's approach is what others need to follow. Quick, gentle and progressive relief with reversal of Pathology.

Homeopathy is practice of medicine. Leave dogmas, belief systems, sectarianism, self righteousness, superiority complex out of it.

Homeopaths are actively helping their own suppression by Allopaths by clinging on to 19th century mentality and victim role.

Practice with aim of immediate relief for acutes (with in 24 hours) and progressive and appreciable relief for chronics (with in 7 days) and homeopathy will flourish.

Dr. Burnett's approach if understood and followed will help achieve this goal.

I read this book in one long session. I could not put it down. Its easily understandable, and very interesting. It does not have silly theorizing non sense. Practical yet concise. This is how a medical text should be written.
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6 Personen finden das hilfreich. Finden Sie das hilfreich?
Anthony Redmond
Verifizierter Kauf
vor 7 Jahren
Dions Burnett
Thank god for this little gem. The book is excellent and it will help me for years to come.Dion is a Homeopath way a head of his time. This book brings all the years of training together like a refresher. weiterlesen ...
4 Personen finden das hilfreich. Finden Sie das hilfreich?
Verifizierter Kauf
vor 5 Jahren
A good introduction into Burnett's methodology
"Organotropic", remember this word!

Even experienced homeopaths can learn from Burnett's strategies. Some of his books was a little bit too small in order to explain every detail and reason for choosing specific remedies. But as a classic doctor who converted to homeopathy Dr. Burnett palpitated the inner organs of his patients and concentrated on remedies with affinities to the organs. His success was so great that John Henry Clarke mentioned him throughout his entire Materia Medica.

One little shortage is that Dion Tabrett did not include the insights from booklet "James Compton BurnettOn Fistula and its Radical Cure by Medicines", which is a diamond in the homeopathic literature and the demand for such books is still big in our times. But Tabrett earns all five stars!
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Tim Shannon
Verifizierter Kauf
vor 8 Jahren
Excellent overview of Burnett's thinking and strategy
The book is brief, but it's mostly meant as an overview of Burnett's thinking with regards to reversing physical pathology (tumors, Arthritis, necrosis, etc).
I found it to be well written with some excellent pointers that may help when it comes to more difficulty pathological cases -- something I'm seeing way more often now.
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Jerry Van den Bosch
Verifizierter Kauf
vor 3 Jahren
Organ remedies
It's so nice that Dion Tabrett took so much time and effort to summarize the works of Burnett. I've learned a lot from this book. Especially treating with organ remedies. weiterlesen ...
1 Person findet das hilfreich. Finden Sie das hilfreich?
Declan Flowers
Verifizierter Kauf
vor 4 Jahren
Burnett Rediscovered
A really well put together book. Compton Burnett,s method of homeopathic treatment is clearly explained.The brief organ based materia medica is well written.
Overall I really liked this book and think that i would be of great interest to members of the homeopathic profession in their own clinical practice.
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Verifizierter Kauf
vor 5 Jahren
Great service and content
Dr Compton Burnett has a hugely valuable knowledge base and these books are an excellent source of information for the discerning homeopath. Very quick dispatch too! weiterlesen ...
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Verifizierter Kauf
vor 7 Jahren
Interesting in case of Ilnes Classification
Usefull addiction. Niecely performed. weiterlesen ...
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Verifizierter Kauf
vor 7 Jahren
Good and useful book
it' a good and useful book for all homeopaths that work with complicate cases, as veterinarians. weiterlesen ...
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Erkki Kilpeläinen
Verifizierter Kauf
vor 8 Jahren
Burnett Redisvovered
Great that modern homeopaths give a new life to the works of old masters! Without this many new homeopaths would miss this knowledge altogether. weiterlesen ...
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