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  • über 10.000 Produkte zu Homöopathie und Naturheilkunde
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Narayana Verlag

Exzellent    2.946.910 Kunden aus 194 Ländern
  • über 10.000 Produkte zu Homöopathie und Naturheilkunde
  • Seminare mit weltbekannten Homöopathen
  • Gesunde und natürliche Lebensmittel
  • Homöopathie für Pflanzen

Autism - The Journey Back

Rudi Verspoor / Patty Smith

Buch: 216 Seiten, kart.
Best.-Nr.: 03299
Gewicht: 360g
ISBN: 9-780968-516690 9780968516690
online available only!

Autism - The Journey Back

Rudi Verspoor / Patty Smith

Recovering the Self Through Heilkunst
Buch: 216 Seiten, kart.
Best.-Nr.: 03299
Gewicht: 360g
ISBN: 9-780968-516690 9780968516690
online available only!

The publisher:
There is a silent epidemic stalking the land, afflicting the minds and senses of our children.
At its core is a "flight from reality," popularly called autism, and one of the major triggers is conventional vaccinations.

Research offers conflicting and inconclusive explanations as to why autism is growing more like an infectious disease than a genetic neurological disorder, with the rate of children being diagnosed with autism now as high as one in 166. Ten years ago it was one in 2,500, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Many treatments have been proposed for autism, all based on varying theories, from hormonal imbalance, heavy metal poisoning, birth trauma, vaccination shock, thimerosal, to unknown environmental factors. Most seem to address the symptoms of the problem rather than the true underlying causes. If there is a hormonalimbalance, what is causing it? If there are high levels of heavy metals, where are they coming from given that others living in the same environment don't seem to be similarly affected? If vaccinations are involved, how do we remove their impact? If emotional or physical traumas playa role, how are these to be addressed?

There is a system of medicine called Heilkunst that addresses the true, underlying causes of disease conditions and has an integrated approach to conditions like autism. Heilkunst looks at the individual circumstances of each child, since each case is unique even if many of the causes are similar, and it includes homeopathy as well as drainage, detoxification, diet, supplements, the balancing of the autonomic nervous system, energy work, and fungal treatment.

Heilkunst means the art of making people whole-in body, mind, soul and spirit-and this book sets out its principles and foundations. It can change your life and the life of your child. No one has all the answers, but Heilkunst offers a consistent, comprehensive, integrated approach to transforming autistic children into active, healthy and fully functioning contributors to society.

The child blessed with autism has tremendous potential that is desperately seeking to be expressed. Heilkunst provides a key to unlocking that full potential.

Autism is a silent epidemic stalking the land, afflicting the minds and senses of our children.
There is a system of medicine called Heilkunst that addresses the true, underlying causes of disease conditions and has an integrated approach to conditions like autism. Heilkunst looks at the individual circumstances of each child, since each case is unique even if many of the causes are similar, and it includes homeopathy as well as drainage, detoxification, diet, supplements, the balancing of the autonomic nervous system, energy work, and fungal treatment.
The child blessed with autism has tremendous potential that is desperately seeking to be expressed. Heilkunst provides a key to unlocking that full potential.
The book was written by Rudi Verspoor and Patty Smith, trained classical homeopaths. Through their clinical work and experience they discovered an untapped fountain of insights by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, that amounts to a radical new system of treatment that is extremely effective, particularly in chronic, complicated cases.

The publisher:
There is a silent epidemic stalking the land, afflicting the minds and senses of our children.
At its core is a "flight from reality," popularly called autism, and one of the major triggers is conventional vaccinations.

Research offers conflicting and inconclusive explanations as to why autism is growing more like an infectious disease than a genetic neurological disorder, with the rate of children being diagnosed with autism now as high as one in 166. Ten years ago it was one in 2,500, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Many treatments have been proposed for autism, all based on varying theories, from hormonal imbalance, heavy metal poisoning, birth trauma, vaccination shock, thimerosal, to unknown environmental factors. Most seem to address the symptoms of the problem rather than the true underlying causes. If there is a hormonalimbalance, what is causing it? If there are high levels of heavy metals, where are they coming from given that others living in the same environment don't seem to be similarly affected? If vaccinations are involved, how do we remove their impact? If emotional or physical traumas playa role, how are these to be addressed?

There is a system of medicine called Heilkunst that addresses the true, underlying causes of disease conditions and has an integrated approach to conditions like autism. Heilkunst looks at the individual circumstances of each child, since each case is unique even if many of the causes are similar, and it includes homeopathy as well as drainage, detoxification, diet, supplements, the balancing of the autonomic nervous system, energy work, and fungal treatment.

Heilkunst means the art of making people whole-in body, mind, soul and spirit-and this book sets out its principles and foundations. It can change your life and the life of your child. No one has all the answers, but Heilkunst offers a consistent, comprehensive, integrated approach to transforming autistic children into active, healthy and fully functioning contributors to society.

The child blessed with autism has tremendous potential that is desperately seeking to be expressed. Heilkunst provides a key to unlocking that full potential.

Autism is a silent epidemic stalking the land, afflicting the minds and senses of our children.
There is a system of medicine called Heilkunst that addresses the true, underlying causes of disease conditions and has an integrated approach to conditions like autism. Heilkunst looks at the individual circumstances of each child, since each case is unique even if many of the causes are similar, and it includes homeopathy as well as drainage, detoxification, diet, supplements, the balancing of the autonomic nervous system, energy work, and fungal treatment.
The child blessed with autism has tremendous potential that is desperately seeking to be expressed. Heilkunst provides a key to unlocking that full potential.
The book was written by Rudi Verspoor and Patty Smith, trained classical homeopaths. Through their clinical work and experience they discovered an untapped fountain of insights by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, that amounts to a radical new system of treatment that is extremely effective, particularly in chronic, complicated cases.

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